What Does Love Look Like? A Talk on Transgender and Intersex image

What Does Love Look Like? A Talk on Transgender and Intersex

A number of people have expressed interest in my message on Transgender and Intersex last Sunday, in which I preached from Matthew 19:1-12. So here it is:

Transgender and Intersex from Kings Church on Vimeo.

For those who are interested in reading more on the issue, David Shaw has a great list of resources, to which I would also add Joe Carter’s glossary of terms, from Agender to Ze. The video I used can be found here (as Tom Wright put it in a different context, some people wouldn’t recognise a reductio ad absurdum if it bit them on the nose). The key evangelical book on the subject is Mark Yarhouse’s Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture. I hope some or all of these are helpful.

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