Twenty-Five Bloggers in One Sentence Each
Carl Trueman: “No one after tasting Old Calvinism desires New, for he says, ‘the Old is better.’”
Scot McKnight: “Hey, here’s an interesting leftish quotation that I’m not going to comment on that much, but just park here ambiguously.”
Justin Taylor: “I am not ashamed of the Gospel Coalition.”
Tullian Tchividjian: “Lucky for you, all those bits of the Bible that tell you what to do are actually about the fact that you can’t do anything.”
Krish Kandiah: “Stop faffing around, and adopt a child, right now.”
Trevin Wax: “When I was a child, I used to argue on the Internet like a child; now that I’m mature, I have put childish ways behind me.”
Mike Bird: “You should all be Anglicans, but you can still be both biblically faithful and good-humoured about it, sport.”
Archbishop Cranmer: “You should all be Anglicans, and you can be as biblically unfaithful and bad-tempered as you like about it.”
Roger Olson: “Here’s why John Piper is wrong about everything.”
Desiring God: “Here’s why John Piper is right about everything.”
9Marks: “Here’s nine reasons why Baptists are right about everything.”
Kevin DeYoung: “Here’s seventeen reasons why the Westminster Confession was right about everything.”
Pete Enns: “Westminster? *!*!?@**.”
Denny Burk: “In a few years time, everyone in the world will be gay, so we need to be prepared for that.”
Al Mohler: “Right on, Denny - so here’s a few books about war.”
Peter Leithart: “I wouldn’t have a problem with Protestants if they were all like me.”
Steve Holmes: “Wait – I have a blog?”
Adrian Warnock: “You really, really can be a charismatic who loves the Bible, honestly (stop it, Benny!), you seriously can, really.”
R. R. Reno: “You’d think it was conservatives that didn’t like poor people, but it’s actually progressives, so ha.”
Doug Wilson: “Here’s a metaphor that’s bound to provoke the ire of the pomo feministas, and that’s kind of the point.”
Tim Challies: “All the other guys you’re reading are probably false teachers.”
Rachel Held Evans: “You go, girlfriend.”
Tim Challies again: “Especially her.”
Ben Witherington: “Tom Wright’s nine hundred and seventy-sixth page has a typo.”
Alastair Roberts: “Please forgive the long blog post; I didn’t have time to write a short one.”
Matt Anderson: “I have a new radio show, and I love Fred Sanders.”
Derek Rishmawy: “I have a new radio show, and I love Kevin Vanhoozer.”
Matt Hosier: “I was jogging round Poole Park the other day when I heard something on the radio that really got up my nose, so I decided to write about it.”
Liam Thatcher: “Here are some interesting biblical reflections that bear no relation whatever to the abstract photograph above this article (which, if I’m honest, I cannot identify with any certainty).”
Jennie Pollock: “Andrew Wilson can’t count to twenty-five.”
Andrew Wilson: [insert summary below. What else is the comment section for, if not this?]