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Rachel’s Reductio

Here's a terrific review of Rachel Held Evans's new book, by Trillia Newbell. She is careful, courteous and polite, yet ultimately highly critical of a book which, she explains, is more an exercise in undermining Scripture than a contribution to the gender debate. Here's an excerpt:

As I read the book, it became increasingly clear to me of one theme: God’s word was on trial. It was the court of Rachel Held Evans. She was the prosecution, judge, and jury. The verdict was out. And with authority and confidence, she would have the final word on womanhood…
In this book Evans is trying to build a bridge, but I wonder if it is not rather a comfortable bridge for shaky evangelicals to find their way into theological liberalism. This book is not ultimately about manhood and womanhood, headship and submission, or the complementarian and egalitarian debate. At its root this book questions the validity of the Bible. And denying the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture is a denial that will ultimately erode the gospel of our Savior.

You can read the whole thing here.

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