Israel, Recapitulated
Book of Genesis (Matt 1:1; Gen 2:4; 5:1)
Son of Abraham (Matt 1:17; Gen 12-26)
Joseph the Dreamer (Matt 1:18-25; Gen 37)
King kills children (Matt 2:13-15; Ex 1-2)
Deliverer rescued, flees, leaves Egypt (Matt 2:14; Ex 2)
Deliverer returns to the land (Matt 2:19-23; Ex 3-4)
Prophet announces judgment (Matt 3:1-12; Ex 5-12)
Passing through the waters (Matt 3:13-17; Ex 14-15)
Temptation in the wilderness (Matt 4:1-11; Ex 17-19)
Assistant leaders appointed (Matt 4:18-22; Ex 18)
Teaching delivered on a mountain (Matt 5-7; Ex 20 - Num 10)
Crowds leave the mountain (Matt 8:1; Num 10:11)
Healing of leprosy (Matt 8:2-4; Num 12:1-16)
Ten miracles (Matt 8-9) versus ten plagues (Ex 7-10) and ten rebellions (Num 14)
Opposition from Jewish leaders (Matt 9:34; Num 16)
Sheep without a shepherd (Matt 9:36; Num 27:27)
Commission of twelve apostles/spies into the land (Matt 10:1ff; Num 13-14)
Instructions for mission (Matt 10; Deut 1-26; Josh 1-5)
Rest provided (Matt 11:25-30; Josh 11)
Jesus as David (Matt 12:1-28; 1 Sam 15-21)
- Compassion, not sacrifice
- Showbread on the Sabbath
- Persecuted by leaders
- Exorcisms by the Spirit
Jesus as Solomon (Matt 12:42-13:52; 1 Kgs 8-10)
- Queen of Sheba
- Greater than Solomon
- Speaks wisdom in parables
- Old and new treasures in the house
Murderous king and queen: Herod/Herodias (Matt 14:1-12) and Ahab/Jezebel (1 Kgs 19-21)
Jesus as Elisha
- Departure of John/Elijah (Matt 14:1-12; 2 Kgs 2)
- Multiplied loaves (Matt 14:13-21; 2 Kgs 4:42-44)
- Miraculous floating on water (Matt 14:22-33; 2 Kgs 6:1-7)
- Sidonite woman’s child is healed (Matt 15:21-28; 1 Kgs 17; 2 Kgs 4)
- Food miracles (Matt 15:32-39; 2 Kgs 4:38-44)
- Greater than Elijah (Matt 16:13 - 17:13; 2 Kgs 2-10)
- Disciples/Gehazi cannot heal (Matt 17:14-21; 2 Kgs 4:29-31)
- Bizarre miracle (Matt 17:24-27; 2 Kgs 2-10)
Move into Judea (Matt 19:1; 2 Kgs 11)
Triumphal entry (Matt 21:1-11; 2 Kgs 9)
Cleansing of temple (Matt 21:12; 2 Kgs 10-12)
Jesus as Jeremiah
- “Den of robbers” (Matt 21:13; Jer 7:11)
- Withered fig tree (Matt 21:18-21; Jer 8:13)
- Vineyard parable (Matt 21:33-46; Jer 12:10-11)
- Temple sermon (Matt 23; Jer 7, 26)
Olivet sermon (Matt 24-25; Ezek 8-11)
Exile and Death
- Blood of the covenant and remission of sins (Matt 26:28; Jer 31:27-40)
- Rejection of the innocent prophet (Matt 26-27; Jer 26)
- Suffering servant (Matt 27; Isa 53)
- Gall, cup of judgment and abuse from passers-by (Matt 27; Lam 1-5)
Resurrection (Matt 28; Isa 25-26, 54-55; Ezek 36-37; Dan 12)
[Mic drop]
Commissioned by the king (Matt 28:16-20; 2 Chr 36)