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How To Think

I have just posted a review of Alan Jacobs's book How To Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds at The Gospel Coalition. In a sentence, I think the book is excellent and well worth reading, ideally quietly and slowly. But the punchline of the review comes at the end:

few people need to hear the challenge of How to Think more than those of us who frequent websites like this. Theologically conservative, high commitment, young(ish), literate Christians who enjoy debate and spend a lot of time online—people, that is, just like me—are exactly the sorts of people at risk of not thinking, as Jacobs defines it in this book.

We frequently live in self-reinforcing bubbles; we erect strawmen; we Bulverise; we divide the world into heroes and villains, “defenders of the faith” and “repugnant cultural others”; we find it easy to react and hard to listen; we valorize and demonize; we put ourselves on the side of the angels and find it hard to see good in our out-group. (If you don’t believe me, type “Nashville Statement” into Google.) In our less self-aware moments, we even use the false “we.” We are, that is, precisely the people for whom Jacobs wrote this book, whether he meant to or not.

You can read the whole thing here.

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