Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 49 image

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 49

["Your will be done" could easily be a passive and fatalistic prayer, a sort of Christianised inshallah. Heidelberg will have none of this; it is supposed to be an urgent prayer for help, filled with active verbs like "help," "reject," "obey" and "carry out." And in the midst of the explanation, we find this delightfully contemporary phrase: "to obey your will without any back talk." As so often, the Catechism shows us that most of the pastoral and personal issues we regard as unprecedented are, in fact, as old as the hills.]

Q124. What does the third petition mean?

A124. “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” means:
Help us and all people
to reject our own wills
and to obey your will without any back talk.
Your will alone is good.
Help us one and all to carry out the work we are called to,
as willingly and faithfully as the angels in heaven.

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