Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 43
[Today's comment on the ninth commandment is what happens when you meditate on the spirit of the commandments, through the lens of the Sermon on the Mount, rather than the mere letter. The letter says, "you shall not bear false witness." The spirit (Spirit!) says, "I should do what I can to guard and advance my neighbor’s good name." This is not just avoiding defamation; it is actively seeking to honour. What a beautiful yet challenging target.]
Q112. What is the aim of the ninth commandment?
A112. That I
never give false testimony against anyone,
twist no one’s words,
not gossip or slander,
nor join in condemning anyone
rashly or without a hearing.
Rather, in court and everywhere else,
I should avoid lying and deceit of every kind;
these are the very devices the devil uses,
and they would call down on me God’s intense wrath.
I should love the truth,
speak it candidly,
and openly acknowledge it.
And I should do what I can
to guard and advance my neighbor’s good name.