Finding God in the Tough Questions
I started off by referring to a video made by someone who calls himself “the thinking atheist” (but who, as I explain, needs to do rather more thinking), in which the morality of God is apparently debunked: according to the video, God approves of rape, child sacrifice, baby killing, slavery and other lurid crimes, and is not worthy of our worship. My argument was that the makers of the video had totally failed to understand the way Old Testament narrative functions, rendering most of its points demonstrably invalid, but that in three cases - slavery, polygamy and the destruction of Canaanite cities - evangelicals have more thinking to do, since God clearly does legislate for them. The rest of the message engaged with how we should handle passages like Exodus 21, based on the three Cs of context, covenant, and Christ. See what you think.
Finding God in the Tough Questions from Kings Church Eastbourne on Vimeo.