An Outstanding Day’s Training for £15
Imagine this. You take the most pastorally difficult and culturally challenging subject there is today (sexuality). You get the best people in the country--some would say the world--to come and deliver a day's training on it (Ed Shaw, Andy Robinson, Sam Allberry). You host the day in two places, one north and one south, to make it as easy as possible for people to come (Sheffield, London). You run it at a convenient time for pastors and pastoral teams (26th and 27th February). And you charge £15 for it.
Ridiculous, I hear you say. And I reply: this is how we roll.
The first day is on 26 February at City Church Sheffield, and the second is on 27 February at King’s Church London. For a fuller description of the day, practical information and registration details, you can go here for Sheffield and here for London. I hope to see you there!