An Apologetic Tour-de-Force image

An Apologetic Tour-de-Force

Peter Williams is a genius. If you don't know him, he's the Warden of Tyndale House, Cambridge, an immensely intelligent guy, a super communicator, and an expert in biblical languages. (There's an amusing moment in the Q&A at the end of this video when someone asks, "How many languages have you read parts of the Bible in?", and he rather self-deprecatingly answers, "Twelve." That gives you an idea.) Here he is with an extremely good lecture on slavery - and I say that as one who has spoken and written on this subject a number of times, and thought he knew it pretty well - which makes some intriguing points about translation, legal codes, the Exodus story and the New Testament. If you can find an hour to watch it, it is well worth your time.

HT: Justin Taylor

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