A Theology of Maleness image

A Theology of Maleness

What does it mean to be a man, as distinct from a woman? It's a hugely important question, in a generation with no shortage of silly answers, chauvinistic answers, angry answers or non-answers, and it's the question to which I tried to give a biblical answer in my main session at the Movement event in November. I started by identifying four confusions that swirl around the topic - between absolute and general statements, between advantages and injustices, between dignity and equality, and between ought and is - and then, based on Genesis 1-3, looked at seven pairs which correspond to the distinction between male and female: tohu/bohu, penis/vagina, guard/helper, lover/beloved, Christ/church, representative/beneficiary, and ground/womb. God made two creatures to bear his image, not just one; he both made them different, and called upon both of them together to fill the earth with his likeness. Here's an attempt to sketch what that means for maleness, both then and now.

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