A Pastoral Resource on Gender Identity and Trans Identification
In my day job, I work for the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), and we have just produced the first in what we hope will be a series of Quick Guides on different topics. The idea is that they are a first stop for someone encountering a new challenge or an area related to healthcare that they need some help thinking through. They are not just for healthcare professionals, though - there are resources for pastors, youth leaders and parents, too.
The first edition came out of our Gender and Sexuality Working Group (which includes Andrew Bunt, whose helpful blogs on this topic you have likely already seen on this blog). It is entitled ’Quick Guide to: Gender identity and trans identification’.
The guides are just two or three sides long and can be downloaded as PDFs from the CMF website. They give a brief overview of some of the terminology you may have encountered, help you think through what the Bible says about our bodies and our identity, and give some ideas about how to approach conversations with people struggling with their gender identity or identifying as trans. They also point to a range of other resources to help you further.
Please do check them out, and share them with your pastoral teams, youth leaders, parents in the church and anyone else who may need help understanding how to think biblically about this: cmf.li/QuickGuides
I hope they help!