Viewing 145 posts by Andrew Bunt
Dualism at Death
‘Transhumanists of the world unite – we have immortality to gain and only biology to lose.’ These are the words of Nikola Danaylov in his Transhumanist Manifesto,... Read more -
The 2018 National Faith & Sexuality Survey: Some...
Last week saw the publication of results from the 2018 National Faith and Sexuality Survey, a project run by the Ozanne Foundation. Read more -
The Binary and Intersex
Over the past few weeks I have been arguing for the goodness of the freedom of the gender binary, the idea that our identity as a man or a woman is given to us by God...
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The Freedom of the Gender Binary in Action
So far in this series, I’ve introduced the concept of the freedom of the gender binary and argued that the New Testament authors’ approach to masculinity shows that they...
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The Bible and the Binary (Part Two)
In the previous post in this short series I argued that when compared with their contemporaries, the New Testament authors take a radically different approach to...
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The Bible and the Binary (Part One)
In the first post in this series, I shared about my moment of revelation concerning the freedom of the gender binary: how God’s creation of us as male or female, and his...
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The Freedom of the Gender Binary
There was a time in my childhood when I thought I was a girl. Though externally I looked like a boy, and everyone thought I was a boy, I believed that internally I was a...
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Some Tricks of the Trade
I recently spent a few sessions helping a group of pastors to think through their position on a complex ethical issue. At the end of one of these sessions, one of the...
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Making Sense of Sexuality
For many people, the Bible’s teaching on sexuality and gender just doesn’t make sense. (And that probably includes a lot of people in our churches!) 'How can God expect...
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Trading Personhood for Power
How is it that we live in societies of great abundance and prosperity, unparalleled in history in terms of the wealth and health we enjoy, and yet those societies are...
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